Corporate Solutions

We aim to specialise in providing long term solutions for landlords and agents through business leasing and management contracts.

We seek rental opportunities where we can create value for the Property owner/Agent, ourselves as the solution provider and even the tenants as the end users.

This value creation revolves around us removing the fluctuations a landlord may face in their rental income caused by changing occupancy and property management.

Instead, we provide a guaranteed rental income to landlords,  by manage the property and its tenancy ourselves through one of our transparent solutions.

These solutions revolve around upgrading the property to a high standard and maintaining the top level of accommodation experience - aimed at targeting medium terms tenants such as professionals and business contractors.

This creates a Win-Win-Win situation for all parties.

-The property owner gets guaranteed rent with the removed burden of managing the property and finding tenants. Their property is also maintained, inspected and kept to an exquisite standard to preserve their asset.

-We create value for ourselves by managing to a standard that allows the rental income to be at upper end of its bracket – which creates a premium in the cashflow.

-The tenants, in turn, benefit from a superior experience

We usually aim for 3-5 year lease contracts, with the landlord receiving guaranteed rental income regardless of the tenancy situation. Our service is particularly geared at property owners who see value in outsourcing the property management in exchange for a fixed and guaranteed Rental income.